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Sims 4 Permission to Use Art to Make Cc

Mail service by Pint-Sized Punker on Jun 14, 2019 17:42:43 GMT -5

I'm a graphic designer and illustrator past trade, so this i's going to be a doozy.

Recently I got in touch with an artist, namely Luke Dixon, to encounter if information technology was cool if I pulled some of his artwork from his online platforms to utilise for some decorative CC in TS4. I explained what 'custom content' was and that "actually, yeah, The Sims still exists!" to which he seemed pleasantly surprised. Anyhow, I offered full credit in whatsoever space that this CC was posted, as well as in-game description boxes. He was pretty chuffed. However didn't really have a inkling what was going on, only chuffed regardless.

This is a unproblematic case of getting written permission from an artist who has taken time out of their lives to produce something for y'all to enjoy, which yous and then wish to dispense in some capacity for your own enjoyment in a virtual infinite... so why do so few CC creators even endeavor to do the same matter?

Not every artist that CC creators contact will get back to them. This is unfortunate but people take lives away from the Net and will sometimes remember y'all're after something monetary then won't reply, or volition only the query entirely. Such situations shouldn't be taken as a go ahead to apply their work (since, well, they never replied!) and certainly shouldn't be used as an excuse for retaliation. Artists don't owe CC creators anything, and vice versa.

From a personal standpoint I'd love it if somebody wanted to apply my work for TS4 and would appreciate beingness contacted first, but would absolutely expect credit irrespective of whether somebody had made that attempt or non. Non crediting artists who brand original works is damaging because there is resultantly little way of TS4 audiences who meet this work to find a style back to its originator. Yeah, people will still see the artworks only non be able to make connections with the artist online, purchase goods should they run a store or follow their progression on social media or their websites.

In the instance of Luke, who doesn't necessarily need the additional exposure (he's doing pretty well by himself), not having Sims-folk visit his online spaces won't actually be at all damaging. Just for a moment let's pretend that this wasn't a well-established artist with an online store that generates decent amounts of coin, but instead a small-time newcomer, otherwise unemployed, who desperately needs the exposure? Allow's pretend that I pulled this person'south work from Google Images or Pinterest or Tumblr.

CC creators oft pull trending, pretty-looking images from such spaces all the time to get their content seen with little to no consideration of whether the artist whose piece of work they are using needs a flake of a leg-up. Is a lack of credit non a conclusive lack of cheers to the arts' originator? And, at to the lowest degree to some degree, is information technology non breaking copyright law dependant on where you live? Even without the idea of putting content behind paywalls (which, if you've used someone else's artwork, is almost definitely illegal regardless of where you are in the world), using artwork in this style smacks of laziness at best and explicit callousness at worst.

Perhaps a counterargument would be "but what near real-globe objects that are not credited in any mode but still made into CC?", which is off-white. This is where the line tends to blur somewhat, as we brainstorm to traverse the realms of mass-production and branding. Do mass-produced and recognisably-branded items, which are turned into CC, require credit to their originator(south)? Well, if they're "recognisably-branded" and so perhaps not then much. That said I still come across plenty of CC out there based on such items (handbags, trainers/sneakers, furniture etc.) which is not necessarily linked back to any form of online infinite, but entitled "Article of furniture-Blazon-Stuff inspired past IKEA", "Vans Howdy-Top Shoes" or otherwise "That Detail from That Popular Retailer/Make/Designer". To some degree, this is still credit; maybe not entirely direct, but withal a nod.

Then again, if it can be done if only half-heartedly for big brands in an attempt to grab the attention of CC downloaders, why should it not be done for small artists and businesses who are trying to make their marker?

The whole discussion can get very disruptive, especially legally, but equally an creative person myself it makes me uncomfortable to know how easy it is for work to be pulled from the net anonymously, used in heck-knows-what kind of ways, with niggling to no care for the originator and how it may brand them feel. It would exist interesting to come across how other people felt about this.

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Feyona Avatar

Only the heaven is the limit

Posts: 3,035 Female

Post by Feyona on Jun xv, 2019 4:35:49 GMT -5

I totally agree with you on this. While information technology is might be tempting to grab someone's artwork, employ in your own creations and collect praises, artists should exist credited if information technology's clear who made that artwork. I once contacted an artist from creative market place where she offered a freebie, and asked if I tin use that freebie in my creations, and explained that although I offer free download, I likewise take link shortners every bit alternative, therefore it can be considered that I used her artwork for commercial purposes. I never got a reply, and never used that free pack. Basically, treat people the fashion you would similar to be treated.

Delight don't DM me hither or elsewhere request for assistance with Ninjaripper or CC. I don't work in Ninjaripper anymore.
Please post your questions in Creator Help thread so everyone can chime in and help solving the trouble

My Tumblr

Mail past renlish on Jun 16, 2019 1:39:08 GMT -5

Not going to lie, this is ane affair that really really upsets me. I run across so many works past artists that I know used in sims CC and I frequently sit and wonder if they have received permission to use them. 99% of the fourth dimension they wouldn't have. When I was doing my digital art, I constitute my stuff all over the place. I've also found my photography all over the place likewise. It's frustrating because if people just enquire first, my respond is always yes because I actually love the idea of folks using my work in their game if information technology makes them happy.

Post past Pint-Sized Punker on Jun 17, 2019 12:02:36 GMT -5

Feyona Avatar

I in one case contacted an artist from creative market where she offered a freebie, and asked if I can use that freebie in my creations, and explained that although I offer free download, I likewise have link shortners as alternative, therefore it can exist considered that I used her artwork for commercial purposes. I never got a reply, and never used that free pack. Basically, treat people the way you would like to be treated.

That'south a totally fair cess from the artist, to exist honest, and equally fair that you decided not to use the pack although it was complimentary. The fact that you asked for permission to begin with is also great and goes to show that there certainly are CC creators out there who can appreciate the effort artists put into their work. Nobody wants to experience as though they're being exploited, and artists (whether visual, musical, etc.) should never have to worry almost whether or not their work is going to be stolen in any capacity.

renlish Avatar

Non going to prevarication, this is one thing that actually really upsets me. I run into then many works by artists that I know used in sims CC and I often sit down and wonder if they have received permission to use them. 99% of the time they wouldn't take. When I was doing my digital art, I constitute my stuff all over the identify. I've also found my photography all over the place likewise. It's frustrating because if people just ask showtime, my answer is always yes because I actually dear the idea of folks using my work in their game if it makes them happy.

I'm really sorry that this sort of stuff has happened to yous. It's 1 of the reasons I'm nervous to put my piece of work out into an online space because I absolutelyknow for a fact that somebody is going to accept it at some signal or some other. It happens to almost everybody who shares their art online.

I thing that I've noticed working in the wargaming industry as an artist, is that threatening legal action even without a lawyer (i.e. making it sound as though you know what you're talking almost, using biga** words and the similar even if you only know the basics) tends to forbid it quite well. Sort of like having "shoplifters will be prosecuted" signs in stores which, oddly plenty, I'1000 trying to get more than of in the BHF store I volunteer at because shoplifting rates there are insane at times. Some folk will acquit on, only others will metaphorically poop their pants and never attempt information technology again for fear of potentially losing thousands of pounds/dollars/etc. or going to prison.

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menaceman44 Avatar

Procrastinating from finishing also many CC projects.

Posts: 1,482 Male

Post by menaceman44 on Jun 17, 2019 14:19:32 GMT -v

Reading this thread has reminded me of something that happened with some CC content I created for TS2.
I took some of the adult body meshes from the game and modified them to be mannequins for vesture shops. They were very popular with players and got a lot of downloads.
Roll on a few years afterward into TS3 times and I came across a shop build that a player had put together which too contained CC they had made. A few of those items were conversions of the mannequins that I had made for TS2.
This person had never contacted me to inquire if they could convert them and when I contacted them about their apply they denied everything and stated they had created them themselves. Information technology fabricated me quite aroused thinking about it for a few days but I never took information technology any further as I rationalised that even though I had spent a lot of time putting the mannequins together, the original contents were nonetheless technically EA content.

Download my mods at MTS.

Mail service by Pint-Sized Punker on Jun 18, 2019 10:02:54 GMT -5

menaceman44 Avatar

Reading this thread has reminded me of something that happened with some CC content I created for TS2.
I took some of the adult body meshes from the game and modified them to be mannequins for clothing shops. They were very popular with players and got a lot of downloads.
Roll on a few years later into TS3 times and I came across a store build that a actor had put together which too contained CC they had fabricated. A few of those items were conversions of the mannequins that I had made for TS2.
This person had never contacted me to ask if they could convert them and when I contacted them about their use they denied everything and stated they had created them themselves. It made me quite angry thinking about information technology for a few days but I never took it whatsoever further every bit I rationalised that even though I had spent a lot of time putting the mannequins together, the original contents were still technically EA content.

One of my biggest bug bears is knowing that regardless of your medium, somebody somewhere will probably rip off something yous've fabricated, and that there isn't plenty legal back up for people who are put in the position of having to confront randos on the Internet. In your instance information technology probably wouldn't have been something you lot could pursue. Still, I totally sympathise not having gotten permission from EA, since EA is an enormous company and they effectively give a sort-of get-ahead by offering options for mods to exist enabled, including scripts. If all of united states asked them if nosotros could apply their meshes etc. each time we wanted to develop new CC, they'd probably go collectively bonkers.

It's and then irritating to recall, all the same, that you took and so much fourth dimension developing these mannequins to enhance the TS2 feel, only for somebody to come up along and merits that they had fabricated the TS3 version(s) themselves. Taking credit for someone else's work is never right.

EDIT: Also your mods are freaking crawly and I'm about to download a bunch. Hither'south an Cyberspace coffee for you because I'g legitimately broke as a joke right now. Courtesy of The Daily Mail and Alamy, while we're on the subject of credit!(>∀<'')
