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How to Answer a Survey for Company Review

Examples of great (and non-and then-great) customer satisfaction survey questions

How to write consumer satisfaction questions to get the most authentic data possible

We've all taken them. Nosotros've all abandoned them. The poorly written, unclear, as well—specific or besides—general client satisfaction surveys or customer experience surveys. We opened the survey in good faith, prepare to provide our wisdom to the organization who seemed to care about our opinion, only to find leading questions geared toward receiving glowing reviews.

There is an art to writing an effective client satisfaction survey. To that end, nosotros've compiled 10 common mistakes when crafting them. But before we review them, let's talk near what customer satisfaction survey questions are and the types of things they can measure.

Go far-the-moment user feedback for your digital experiences

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Customer satisfaction survey questions overview

Customer satisfaction survey questions are airtight-concluded or open-ended questions that allow you to evaluate customer sentiment at a micro or macro level. This includes customers' full general level of satisfaction with yous product or service, their experiences with your customer service, their loyalty to your organization, and more than.

Here are the top metrics you tin measure in your client satisfaction survey to understand different facets of the client experience:

The client satisfaction score helps you empathise general satisfaction

You tin determine the customer satisfaction score (CSAT score) past asking: "How would y'all rate your experience with our (make full in the blank)?" where the response options become from "Very satisfied" to "Very dissatisfied."

The customer satisfaction score question in the SurveyMonkey product

To calculate your CSAT score, take the number of satisfied customers and separate it past all of your respondents. Then multiply the result past 100. You'll terminate upwards with a percentage, where the higher it is, the more satisfied your customers are.

The customer effort score allows you to gauge your quality of service

You tin measure your client attempt score using the post-obit format, "[Your company] fabricated it easy for me to handle my result," with the response options ranging from "Strongly hold" to "Strongly disagree."

The customer effort score question in the SurveyMonkey product

Each answer choice is assigned a number ("Strongly concur" receives a ane, "concur" a two etc.). This style, once the responses come up dorsum, you tin calculate the boilerplate number. A lower number means a lower level of endeavor—which is, of form, what you want!

The Cyberspace Promoter Score® is key to understanding customer loyalty

To go your score, yous can ask: "How likely would yous be to recommend our company to a friend or colleague?" The respondent would select a number on a 0 (least likely) to x (most likely) calibration.

The NPS question in the SurveyMonkey product

Respondents are and so placed into 3 groups:

  • Promoters: those who requite a 9 or 10 rating, and are the most likely to stick effectually and recommend your concern
  • Passives: those who give a 7 or 8 rating, and are happy with your system just can exist persuaded to switch over to a competitor
  • Detractors: those who requite a rating below 7, and are the nigh likely to cease working with y'all and injure the reputation of your business

NPS= % of Promoters — % of Detractors

To observe more specific customer satisfaction survey questions, you tin review the survey templates about the lesser of this page.

ten things to watch out for when writing customer satisfaction surveys

At present that you know almost the customer satisfaction survey questions you can inquire, let's talk about common mistakes when building the survey—and what you can do to correct them!

one. Using restrictive answer options

When your answers don't include the response your participant wants, y'all've created a frustrated experience for your respondents. They're now faced with the decision of answering inaccurately, skipping the question, or abandoning the questionnaire altogether. Not very productive. To allow your question be inclusive of all opinions, offer an "I don't know" answer choice and/or an "Other" selection (lets respondents put in their ain reply).

2. Asking ii-office questions with only one response option

This question-writing mistake is as simple every bit it sounds. Have the following every bit an example:

"Did you enjoy our service and our selection? Yes or no?"

What if your service was impeccable just your selection was defective? If there's no way for the participant to respond this question accurately, yous're going to get skipped questions, or, perhaps even worse, inaccurate responses. Make sure you're asking for one singled-out answer per question.

Going dorsum to our example, you can break up the prompt every bit follows:

"Did yous savor our service?"

"Did you enjoy our selection?"

iii. Requiring a response to every question

Aye, it would be neat if every single question in your consumer feedback survey was answered thoughtfully and completely. That only doesn't happen in the real world; people are busy and distracted. Sometimes a question is missed as an oversight, sometimes the respondent doesn't want to provide the information, and sometimes they're just confused past the question. If you require an answer to every single question—fifty-fifty the most rudimentary ones—you're going to find that a lot of respondents volition leave your survey. So proceed the required questions to a minimum and allow them skip what they want.

4. Asking too many questions

Please don't interrogate your kind participants with page after page of highly detailed questions of every facet of your business. Proceed your customer feedback survey as succinct equally possible, and you'll have a better chance of getting meaningful information. Retrieve, you lot can e'er exercise follow-upward surveys, and you'll learn more than with each poll you practise.

five. Forgetting the goal of the survey

It's piece of cake to enquire a lot of questions in order to get the most information you can. Simply each survey should have a specific goal in heed, 1 that every question should aid reach. Stay focused on your goal, and y'all'll go valuable information.

half-dozen. Attaching opinions to the questions

It's hard to be objective when you retrieve your customer service is outstanding. Accept a step back from what you think you know and permit your shoppers do the talking. Avert embellishing your questions with superlatives. Have the following prompt:

"How would you draw our friendly customer service representatives?"

This is a leading question as it describes the reps as beingness "friendly." As a upshot, information technology isn't likely to provide accurate results. Instead, inquire a focused question near an attribute of your client service, such every bit:

"How responsive or unresponsive were our customer service representatives?"

vii. Getting stuck in the hypothetical

It's hard for most people to accurately decide what they may or may not practise in a hypothetical situation. Don't fabricate customer service "what if" situations that may non have happened to the respondent. Instead, focus on uncovering real customer service issues.

For instance, avoid question prompts like the following:

"If our client service representatives were extremely responsive to your needs, would you give our concern a college rating?"

And instead, ask something like:

"How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the performance of our client service representatives?

Pro tip: Use a Likert Scale rating question to ask customers to charge per unit their experiences.

8. Writing complicated questions

If your participants have to read questions several times in order to empathise them, or if they're repeatedly asked to write essay-similar responses, you lot'll cease up with a lot of abandoned questionnaires. Write questions that can be easily scanned and that don't require a lot of time to answer.

To make this point more concrete, let's compare two question prompts that are ultimately request the same thing. Here's one that's direct and simple:

"How responsive (or unresponsive) is our company in answering your questions?"

Now see what happens when y'all go far ultra-specific and long:

"If you have used our website, phone arrangement, or email help organisation in the by, did our customer service representative get back to you in a timely manner?"

9. Including unnecessary questions

You're probably eager to collect as much information as you can from each survey, but avert the temptation. Customer service surveys that veer off course and inquire seemingly unrelated questions can distract or confuse the respondent, and in some cases, may even evoke suspicion.

The examples are seemingly endless. And can be anything from…

"What do you lot like to practise during your free time?"

10. Using yep or no respond options

You could ask the following question with "yes" or "no" answer options:

"Is our company professional?"

But there'south a subtle spectrum of positive and negative responses. To become even richer data, endeavour asking a "how" question with bachelor responses, like, "extremely professional," "somewhat professional," and "not at all professional." This gives you lot a improve thought of what your customer service needs are.

In short, modify the question prompt to: "How professional person is our visitor?"

Sample online customer satisfaction survey templates

At SurveyMonkey, we've developed a collection of methodologist-certified client satisfaction survey templates to go you started quickly and easily. Of form, you're always welcome to customize the questions to make your survey as specific as you lot'd like.

Customer satisfaction template

Apply this customer satisfaction survey template to measure consumer satisfaction with your company, product, and services. Apply skip logic to allow your customers to answer questions near products or services they've used, and gain insights for improvement.

Customer satisfaction with customer service survey template

See how your frontline customer service and support agents are doing. Measure customer service concord times, problem resolution, production/service noesis, and representative mental attitude.

Business organization-to-Business survey template

This customer satisfaction survey template is designed for when your clients aren't just clients, they're businesses also. Identify how satisfied your customers are with your timeliness, professionalism, and service.

Run across how SurveyMonkey tin can power your curiosity
