List of Parables In the Bible

List of Parables

Jesus Educational activity Parables

This is a tabular array listing all the Parables in the Bible. The blue texts are active and can be viewed past placing your mouse cursor over the verse.

Each Parable is listed in the book that it is found, if the aforementioned parable is mentioned in more than 1 of the Gospels it is listed with a reference to each gospel in which it is constitute. The Parables are placed in alphabetical order according to their Proper noun.

Using the Search box you lot may search for any parable by proper name or verse. For case, you tin blazon "Luke 6" in the Search box and only the parables in Luke 6 will be displayed, or yous can type "John" in the search box and find all the Parables in the book of John.

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There are 105 Parables in the Listing.

There is a formatted downloadable certificate listing all the parables with all the text and references in the Download Manufactures and Books Page. Available in both PDF and MS Word format.

Parable Name Matthew Mark Luke John Other Ref Symbols Used Parable Type
Like-minded with Your Adversary Matthew 5:21-26 adversary
Ask Seek Knock Matthew 7:7-12 Luke 11:nine-13 snake, staff of life, stone, fish, children, egg, scorpion
Barren Fig Tree Luke thirteen:half-dozen-ix Fruit
Get As Little Children Matthew 18:1-9 Mark x:14-16 Luke xviii:xvi
Blind Leading the Bullheaded Matthew 15:thirteen-xiv Luke six:39-42 Labeled Parables
Bridegroom (Children of the Bridechamber) Matthew eight:15 Mark 2:19-20 Luke 5:34-35
Children of the Marketplace Matthew 11:16-19 Luke 7:31-32 Similitude
Expressionless Coffin the Expressionless Luke 9:60
Quack Steward Luke 16:one-13
Elijah Must Come Matthew 17:10-13
Eye of The Needle Matthew 19:23-24 Mark 19:23-27 Similitude
Foxes Have Holes Matthew 8:20 Luke ix:58
Fruit Tree Matthew vii:15-20 Matthew 12:33-37 Luke half-dozen:43-45
Skilful Samaritan Luke 10:25-37
Practiced Shepherd 0
Guests and Wedding Host Luke 14:7-fourteen
Hand to the Plow Luke ix:62
Harvest is Slap-up Matthew 9:37-38 Luke 10:i-2 0
Hidden Treasure Matthew 13:44
House (Kingdom) Divided, Beelzibub Matthew 12:25-28 Mark 3:20-30 Luke 11:17-20
Laborers in the Vineyard Matthew twenty:1-16
Lesson of the Fig Tree Matthew 24:32-35 Marker 13:28-31 Luke 21:29-33
Leven (Yeast) in the Repast Matthew 13:33 Luke thirteen:twenty-21
Light (Candle) Under a Basket (vessel) Matthew 5:xiv-sixteen Mark iv:21-23 Luke 8:xvi-18
Light of the Trunk Matthew half-dozen:22-23 Luke eleven:34-36
Lost Coin Luke 15:8-10 Argent, Adult female, Coin, Firm, Candle, 10 Lost and Plant, 10
Lost Sheep Matthew 18:12-14 Luke 15:3-seven Lost and Found, Labled Parable
Mustard Seed Matthew xiii:31-32 Mark 4:30-32 Luke 13:xviii-20 Similitude
Cyberspace (Dragnet) Matthew 13:47-fifty
New Fabric Sometime Garment Matthew 9:xvi Marker 2:21 Luke 5:36
Old and New Vino Bottles Matthew nine:17 Marking 2:22 Luke v:37-39
Pearl of Bang-up Price Matthew 13:45-46 Kingdom of God
Pearls to the Swine Matthew 7:half-dozen
Pharisee and the Taxation Collector Luke 18:nine-14
Prodigal Son Luke 15:11-32 Lost and Found
Prophet Without Honor Matthew thirteen:57
Purpose of Parables Matthew thirteen:10-17 Marking 4:10-12 Luke 8:nine-10
Rebuild the Temple 0
Red Sky Matthew sixteen:2-4 Mark 8:11-13 Luke 12:54-55
Reluctant Friend Luke 11:5-thirteen Loaves - Bread iii Loaves Midnight Door (Close) Children Bed
Rich Fool Luke 12:thirteen-21
Rich Homo and Lazarus Luke 16:19-31
Table salt Without Savor Matthew v:thirteen Mark nine:49-50 Luke 14:34-35
Scattered Seed Mark 4:26-29
Servants, True-blue or Unfaithful Matthew 24:45-51 Marker 13:32-37 Luke 12:41-48
Serving Ii Masters Matthew 6:24
Sheep and Goats Matthew 25:31-46
Sheepfold 0 Labeled Parable
Sign of the Prophet Jonas Matthew 12:39-42
Sower Matthew 13:3-9 Mark 4:i-nine Luke 8:4-8 Labeled Parables
Sower Explained Matthew thirteen:eighteen-23 Marker 4:xiii-20 Luke 8:xi-15
Speck in the Middle Matthew vii:1-v
Strait Gate - Narrow Is the Way Matthew seven:13-fourteen Luke xiii:24
Strongman's Business firm Matthew 12:29-30 Luke eleven:21-23
Talents, Iii Servants Matthew 25:14-30 Luke 19:11-27
Ten Virgins Matthew 25:ane-13 10
Theif In the Night Matthew 24:36-37 Mark 13:24-27 Luke 17:26-thirty, 34-36
Things That Defile Man Matthew 15:10-11 Mark 7:14-xvi
Things That Defile Human Explained Matthew 15:15-xx
Treasures in Heaven Matthew 6:nineteen-21 Luke 12:33-34
Treasures New and One-time, Householder Matthew 13:52
Tree and Its Fruit Matthew 12:33-37 Luke 6:43-45
Two Debtors Luke seven:41-43
Two Housebuilders, House Upon the Rock Matthew seven:24-27 Luke 6:46-49
Two Sons Matthew 21:28-31
Unclean Spirit Matthew 12:43-45 Luke eleven:24-26
Unforgiving Servant Matthew eighteen:21-35
Use of Parables Matthew 13:34-35 Marking 4:33-34
Vineyard and Vine Dressers (Husbandmen) Matthew 21:33-46 Marking 12:one-12 Luke 20:nine-19
Watchful Servants Matthew 24:45-51 Luke 12:45-48
Wedding ceremony Feast and Garments Matthew 22:1-14 Luke 14:15-23
Wheat and Tares (Weeds) Matthew thirteen:24-30
Wheat and Tares (Weeds) Explained Matthew 13:36-43 Explanation
Widow and Unjust Judge Luke 18:1-8
Boiling Pot, and it'south scum Ezekiel 24:3-5 Labled Parable
Cedar in Lebanon Ezekiel :iii-xviii
Drunkard Proverbs 23:29-35
Dry Bones in the valley Ezekiel 37:1-15
Escaped Prisoner ane Kings xx:35-43
God'south Vineyard (The Unfruitful Vineyard) Isaiah five:ane-six
Peachy Eagles and the Vine Ezekiel 17:1-ten Labeled Parable
Jerusalem's Solitude Ezekiel iv:7-eight
Jerusalem's Iniquity Ezekiel 4:4-6
Jerusalem'south Seige Ezekiel 4:1-three
Jerusalem'south Sinfulness Ezekiel v:1-17
Jerusalem's Starvation Ezekiel 4:9-17
King of the Trees Judges 9:8-15
Linen Waist-Cloth Jeremiah 13:1-eleven Story
Lion's Whelps Ezekiel 19:2-9
Living Waters Ezekiel 47:1-12
Plowman (good out of evil) Isaiah 28:23-29
Poor Man's Ewe Lamb 2 Samuel 12:ane-iv
Poor Wise Human being Ecclesiastes 9:14-eighteen
Potter, The Jeremiah 18:1-10
Samson'south Riddle Judges 13:14 Riddle
Sea Monster Ezekiel 32:1-sixteen
Shepherds and the Flock Ezekiel 34:ane-31
Sluggard and His Vineyard (Field) Proverbs 24:30-34
Thistle and Cedar 2 Kings 14:8-9
Trees making a Rex Judges 9:7-15
True and False Shepherd Zechariah 11:three-10
Two Harlots Ezekiel 23:ii-21
Vision of Micaiah 1 Kings 22:17-23
Widow'due south Olive Oil ii Kings 4:1-vii Woman, Oil, Vessel, husband
Woman of Tekoah, etc. 2 Samuel 14:6-11